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93 Creative Research Paper Topic Ideas for You

By HWA | Publish On: July 12, 2019 | Posted In:

A research paper has been described as an academic piece of writing which is based on a brief discussion, interpretation and analysis of any particular topic of the writer. It contains a wide description of any particular topic which can only be produced after a wide work of research.  How to write a research paper? Choose a topic: Always choose a topic which is challenging and not general as only this topic shall not make your work boring and instead bring on your enthusiasm to a higher level allowing you to work hard.  Also, do not choose a very broad…

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How To Write an Essay About Leadership?

By HWA | Publish On: July 10, 2019 | Posted In:

Leadership is an action or idea of leading any activity or a project of a group of people or an organization. This helps the remaining members of the group to work under dependable guidance of a leader. The one who leads is said to be the leader and his job is to guide and control the management as he/she has a certain amount of authority and control. For example, Nelson Mandela was one of the greatest leaders the world has ever seen. Know the important attributes of a great leader: There are certainly important attributes which should be possessed by…

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How to Write Essay About Gun Control?

By HWA | Publish On: July 9, 2019 | Posted In:

Gun control is a set of rules restricting possession, sale, transportation, manufacture, modification and usage of firearms. For example, in countries like America, there are no such strict restrictions or gun controls are used and most of the civilians totaling around 70% to 80% of civilians have access to firearms.  However, in many countries like India gun control rules are very strict and hence license is issued for every purchased gun. Every non-licensed gun possessed by a civilian is said to be and he/she might be penalized for the same.    According to certain research made in 2007, a total…

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How to Write Essay About Education?

By HWA | Publish On: | Posted In:

Education has been defined as a tool to gain knowledge or appropriate skills through various means like teaching, storytelling, discussions, training which helps students not only to learn but it definitely changes various things in an individual which includes the way they think, their belief, feelings and also how they act. Formal education has been divided into various stages which include preschool, primary school, secondary schools and then college and university education. How to write an essay based on education? 1st Paragraph: The first paragraph should always begin by describing the subject of your writing. You can begin with a…

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How To Write Executive Summary For Your Assignment?

By HWA | Publish On: July 5, 2019 | Posted In:

Someone rightly said that “an executive summary is like a synopsis of any book, where with just a small reading a buyer decides that the book is worth their time to read the whole thing”. What is an Executive Summary? An executive summary is a short document or an abbreviated version of any official business-related document. The main purpose of this document is to summarise a long document, report, group of reports or an article or any proposal in such a manner that the reader comes across what is the purpose of the larger document or material by just a…

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11 Ideal Fonts for Dissertation Writing |

By HWA | Publish On: July 4, 2019 | Posted In:

Times New Roman, Georgia, Garamond, Arial, Verdana, Cambria, Century Gothic, Constantia, and Arial Narrow are some of the ideal fonts for dissertation writing. What is Dissertation Writing? In the term – Dissertation writing, the word “Dissertation” has originated from the Latin language where ‘dissertare’ means ‘to debate’. This word was first used in the English language in around 1651 which gave us a definition to write extensively on a certain subject. It is also defined as a long piece of writing on any particular topic which you have studied. In a dissertation writing, the writer should always choose to write…

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7 Best Tips For Your Assignment Cover Page with Example

By HWA | Publish On: July 2, 2019 | Posted In:

Someone rightly said, “The first impression is the last impression.” As in your cover sheet is the first thing your teacher shall see at university and it can create an immediate impact. This can either make or break your grades. What is an assignment cover sheet? A cover sheet in an assignment is basically a page used by the student on completion of their assignment which includes a brief data of what topics and concerns are included in the project. This helps the reader to go through a project briefly in a short duration of time. Also, some universities provide…

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