Publish On: January 6, 2020
By HelpWithAssignment

A Comprehensive Guide to Writing a Winning Welcome Speech Essay

write a welcome speech

Welcome speeches are essential for any formal event. It is vital that you jot down your welcome speech, in advance. Noting down the entire speech will help you recite the same during the actual event. It makes sure that you do not fumble and create any kind of awkward moment. 

Writing a welcome speech often needs a professional touch. Professional writing service providers like has an immense reputation in providing killer welcome speeches. 

The experts here have more than a decade of experience in writing welcome speeches for any formal and informal events. From the introduction to the closing statement, every segment of the welcome speech is important. Below are some basic guidelines on writing a comprehensive welcome speech: 

10 Best Tips for Writing A Winning Welcome Speech

 Hearty Introductions:

Irrespective of the nature of the event, the introduction remains the most essential part of the welcome speech. Sound formal and get the tone right. The right tone will grab the attention of the audience from the beginning. Keep the introduction ceremonial and always start by greeting the audience. 

write a welcome speech

Address the Visitors:

If you are writing a welcome speech for a smaller group of individuals then you can write a single sentence of introductory note for each of your guests. You can make it formal by mentioning their designations or achievements. If you know the guests personally then you can address them with creative statements. It is always nice to punch in a bit of humor, on some occasions. In case you are welcoming a larger crowd, only address the guests of honor in a formal note. 

Brief about the Event:

Now that you have made a general introduction and addressed the audience members it is time that you talk about the event. Write what the event is about and the purpose of the gathering. This will set the tone for the entire day or evening. This segment should be brief but informative. Before going into the details the headline of the event should be mentioned. For instance, “We are glad to have you all at the 20th Annual Celebration of….”. 

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Credit the Supporters:

Once you have briefed about the event it is time to acknowledge the supporters, who have made the event possible. Starting from the idea generator to the sponsors and volunteers, no one should be left out. You can do this in a single statement by mentioning the phrase “I would like to thank …….for making this event possible”. This is part should be very short but nonetheless you should mention each of the probable supporters. If the event is new you can personally thank the people who made it possible by mentioning their names. If the event is an age-old tradition then you can thank the initial forefathers who first started the event. 

Mention Special Parts of the Event: 

Once you have briefed the purpose of the event it is always a good idea to give the audience a brief itinerary of the same. It gives the desired direction to the attendees. They will get to know what to expect from the day and where to go, if at all. It is also important to mention the timing of the dinner or lunch and where the buffet will be served. If there are entertainments arranged, you can also mention that along with probable timing. 

Restate your Welcome Line: 

Before you close your speech it is a good practice to reiterate the welcome line. It lightens the tone and makes the guests feel important, again. Statements like “…and it is because of you wonderful people that this event is already a success”, or “…I must thank you all again for coming here and making it all possible”. 

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Little Message of Hope:

Before you move on and end your speech you should make a positive statement. This is a good habit because it will get the audience enthused. Small statements like “Hope you all enjoy the…”, “I am sure it would be great fun, tonight…” are always good before you go ahead and end your speech. 

Introduce the Next Speaker or Event:

The welcome speech is part of the event. So, before you thank the audience and end the speech it is essential that you introduce the next speaker (if any) or the event that will follow your speech. This confirms the itinerary you have mentioned before, in the speech. You can state what they should expect in the immediate next part or introduce the next speaker with brief details. 

Thank the Audience and Close the Speech:

At the end of the speech, you should show gratitude to the audience in a line or two. Keep it short and precise. Thank them formally for giving you the time to complete your speech. Bid them goodbye. 

Time your Speech: 

Your speech should not be more than 5 to 7 minutes long. Make it crisp and follow the steps. Most importantly do not drift from the theme or the purpose of the event. This makes the speeches long and the audience will tend to lose patience. 

If you think that you need to make an impressive welcome speech then do not hesitate to contact the experts at We can deliver you unique and impressive welcome speeches for your occasion. 

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