Top 101 Sustainability Research Topics And Ideas To Focus On

Sustainability is a theory, which concentrates on satisfying the present needs without compromising the ability of future generations. Recently, many sustainability projects are being carried out on innovative sustainability research topics. Importantly, for the preparation of an environmental study paper, you can prefer sustainability topics. Right now, are you looking for interesting sustainability topic ideas for your assignment? If yes, then continue reading this blog post.

sustainability research topics

Sustainability is an interesting concept which maintains stability between the economy, equity and environment. To conserve the environment, sustainability projects play a big part. Hence, based on the aspects of conservation, many academic institutes often ask the students to come up with a research paper on any sustainability topics.

Searching and finding the right research topic is a hard process. Usually, the topic selection needs more effort and time. So, to help you out, here, we have shared a list of exclusive research topics and ideas on sustainability. Go through it and find the right topic for your research.

Best Sustainability Research Topics and Ideas

Sustainability is a broad concept with many research areas. Some popular research areas in the subject include natural resources, sustainable transport, energy conservation, renewable energy, and green building. Other than these areas, you can also think about the latest environmental issues and generate unique sustainability project ideas. Instead of narrowing down your focus only on environmental topics, you can also apply the idea of sustainability in education, construction, business, or any other industry.

Environmental Sustainability Research Topics

  1. What does the impact of non-plastic waste in our oceans mean for the environment?
  2. What are the most impactful environmental groups cleaning up plastic in the oceans?
  3. Which countries have the least environmental protection laws?
  4. Is veganism good for the environment?
  5. How bad are plastic straws for the Earth’s environment?
  6. What types of technologies exist to help deter environmental pollution?
  7. How effective are your local environmental policies?
  8. Why do cities with higher poverty rates struggle to start recycling programs?
  9. What are the biggest political challenges affecting the U.S. environment?
  10. How will the world’s population in fifty years impact the Earth’s environment?

Sustainability Research Topics on Environment

  1. Are pescatarian diets better for the environment?
  2. Should we reduce the use of technology to help the environment?
  3. In what ways has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the environment?
  4. Do smaller classroom sizes help or harm the environment?
  5. In what ways does government policy help or hurt the environment?
  6. Discuss the importance of Green Building and Infrastructure in ensuring environmental sustainability
  7. What is Green Economy and how it can bring environmental sustainability?
  8. Discuss the 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) of environmental sustainability
  9. Discuss the relationship between environmental sustainability and climate change
  10. Environmental sustainability and biodiversity
  11. What are the responsibilities of institutions of higher education to contribute to global challenges, such as poverty, gender inequality, and climate change?
  12. Explain how modular classrooms can improve sustainability through the use of natural light.
  13. How can existing sustainability projects on campus be used for educational purposes?
  14. How is procurement currently organised? To what extent are sustainability criteria already applied in tenders?
  15. To what extent could the university implement sustainability criteria that go beyond the legal minimum to advance the environmental, economic and social benefits of tenders?

Sustainability Research Topics on Education

  1. Describe the differences in sustainability education.
  2. What are the benefits of adopting sustainability education into the curriculum?
  3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of different definitions of sustainability education?
  4. Do modular classrooms improve campus sustainability?
  5. What evidence is there to support that sustainable classrooms reduce absenteeism?
  6. What is the demand among students for more, different or better sustainability education?
  7. Do smaller classroom sizes help or harm the environment?
  8. Explain how modular classrooms can improve sustainability through the use of natural light.
  9. What are the responsibilities of institutions of higher education to contribute to global challenges, such as poverty, gender inequality, and climate change?
  10. How can existing sustainability projects on campus be used for educational purposes?

Educational Research Topics on Sustainability

  1. What does sustainability mean for institutions of higher education?
  2. What are the best practices of behavior change interventions at institutions of higher education?
  3. Do sustainable classroom designs improve learning in students?
  4. What are the benefits of changing classroom hours to utilize natural lighting?
  5. Do shorter working days in schools help to reduce energy use?
  6. Discuss the role of education in the establishment and protection of environmental sustainability
  7. What are the most effective ways to promote sustainable lifestyles among students?
  8. How students and staff could be aware about of the sustainability ambitions of their institution?
  9. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the approaches to communicate the university’s sustainability efforts better
  10. How to organize sustainability events and programs within the college campus?
  11. Why it is important for educational institutions to promote sustainable lifestyle and practices among students?
  12. What are the strengths and weaknesses of different definitions of sustainability education?
  13. How much energy is saved by setting computers to shut off when they are idle?
  14. Behavior change interventions at institutions of higher education.
  15.   Do shorter working days in schools minimize energy use?

Transportation Sustainability Research Topics

  1. Discuss the demand among students for more, different, or better sustainability education?
  2.  Discuss the responsibilities of higher education institutes handling worldwide challenges, such as poverty, gender inequality, and climate change?
  3. What are the benefits of incorporating public transportation systems?
  4. What best practices exist among companies and institutions of higher education to reduce staff travel or incentivize different travel behavior?
  5. Compare hybrid vs. electric cars including the science behind it, the potential for success and any challenges/barriers.
  6. Prepare a report on how traveling has contributed to global warming over the last 10 years.
  7. Investigate the role of bike-sharing between campuses.
  8. Compare the costs and benefits of petroleum to biofuel or electric energy.
  9. How to redesign a city to be walkable and bike-friendly?
  10. What are the health and environmental benefits of biking to work?

Transportation Sustainability Research Topics for Exam

  1. Do taxi services contribute to the environment?
  2. Is it a good choice for the government to invest in bicycle infrastructure?
  3. Why it is important to build sustainable transportation system?
  4. Why to use the means of public transportation instead of private transportation to ensure environmental sustainability and well-being?
  5. Importance of using solar power and wind power in the vehicles
  6. What are the best practices to follow business organizations and other institutions to reduce staff travel or incentivize different travel behaviours?
  7. Discuss the three major modes of sustainable transportation
  8. Smart Land Use Design for Reducing Vehicle Travelled
  9. Smart Driving through Crowd sourcing
  10. Evaluating the Likely Environmental Benefits of Green Routing and Intelligent Intersections
  11. What are the ways to contribute to the sustainable transportation?
  12. A reduction of the environmental impacts of transportation is a likely strategy for sustainability.
  13. How can we improve the transport sustainability?
  14. What are the specific challenges of the sustainable transportation?
  15. What are the three crucial influences of transportation on the environment?

Food Sustainability Research Topics

  1. How does the amount of food consumption impact the environment?
  2. What can the government do to increase food resources?
  3. What are the benefits of buying food from local farmers?
  4. How do food programs help communities?
  5. Can your city impose a food donation program?
  6. Why is it important to support local food markets?
  7. Can cafeteria or restaurant food leftovers be donated to homeless shelters?
  8. Should cities mandate community gardens to reduce food waste?
  9. What are the most effective methods of growing your food?
  10. Research the problem of global food scarcity.

Food Sustainability Research Topics for Assignments

  1. Importance of sustainable food systems and sustainable food industry
  2. Organic farming and food sustainability
  3. Scientific agriculture and its impact on food sustainability
  4. Discuss the Sustainable Food Initiative of WWF (World Wildlife Fund)
  5. What is climate smart food systems
  6. What is social movements, institutions as well as governance?
  7. What are the perceptions of and attitudes towards sustainability by students and staff?
  8. What are ways to promote sustainable lifestyles among students?
  9.  To what extent are students and staff aware of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
  10. What are the best technologies on the market to reduce waste in large cities?

Sustainability Research Topics on Waste Management

  1. In what ways do improved recycling technologies impact the waste that ends up in landfills?
  2. Why is it so important to keep waste from ending up in our oceans?
  3. Do taxes on single-use items reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills?
  4. What can people do in the community to reduce unnecessary waste?
  5. What has Denmark done to reduce its food waste?
  6. Discuss how Sweden has been able to turn its waste into heating.
  7. What are the types and amounts of waste produced in educational institutions?
  8. How government regulations will affect certain waste types?
  9. What are innovative practices in reducing waste going to landfills or incineration?
  10. Developing an Efficient Waste Management Strategy

Interesting Sustainability Research Topics

  1.  Why Recycling and Reusing Plastic is Vital to Waste Management
  2. What can cities do to create community gardens?
  3. How does gardening or landscaping improve air quality around the home?
  4. Should cities mandate the use of solar panels in their larger buildings?
  5. How do “green universities” help the mental health of students?
  6. Does keeping the home at a certain temperature help reduce energy costs?
  7. What can be done to help developing countries maintain clean water?
  8. How can we improve the quality of air by reducing pollution?
  9. How does pollution increase the level of sickness in people?
  10. Does buffet-style dining help or harm sustainability efforts?

Amazing Sustainability Research Topics

  1. What are the benefits of getting a fair-trade certification on university campuses?
  2. Should cities impose a special tax on single-use plastic items?
  3. What is the correlation between overpopulation and pollution?
  4. How does the use of plastic floating balls reduce evaporation in reservoirs?
  5. What is the correlation between a country’s GDP and pollution?
  6. Are paper towels more effective than hand dryers at reducing the spread of germs?
  7. Describe the impact our carbon footprint means on future generations.
  8. How do solar panels make a home energy efficient?
  9. How much energy is saved by setting computers to shut off when they are idle?
  10. Can game theory be applied to challenges in sustainability?

Wrapping Up

From the list of unique sustainability research topics recommended in this blog post, feel free to use any topic of your choice. In case, you need more sustainability topic ideas, contact us for assignment help. We have a team of professional academic writers to assist you in finding a good topic. Also, we offer help in preparing high-quality research papers on any subject topic.

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