Every student has dreams in their eyes and hope in their heart. Everybody wants to receive best in their education. But the fees in many courses get higher in comparison with today’s world. In the age of internet and MOOCs, do we really need to spend huge amount of money to get degrees? In today’s digitized or tech-savvy world education is not only limited to schools and college’s classrooms or in the hard covered printed books. If any students want any reference related with study they do not need to visit the libraries more often. They can get help while being seated at home. Education got nearer. Educations get digitized. One can equally fulfilled his desire by joining online classes. Not only are the online classes cheaper but also hugely accessible and much more convenient among students. Moreover who doesn’t want online education when it is absolutely charge no cost at all?
From subject like behavioral psychology to traditional leaning the educational websites provide the barrage of free learning options to students at various levels. Educational website can include websites that have games, videos or topic related resources that act as tools to enhance learning and supplement classroom teaching. The main focus point of online education is its helps the education look much more attractive and smart.
There are several educational websites running through the internet. According to a research report published by OrbisResearch.com in 2017, global e-learning market 2017 is likely to boom to $275.10 billion value by 2022 at a CAGR of 7.5%.The top 5 websites that provide study help are:
Top 5 Education Websites to Help You Study

EdX – edx.org
When you are talking about best educational website the first name came into the list is edx.org. It was founded by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technologyin 2012. This is the most preferred websites among students which is an online learning destination. It offered top quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions like Berkeley, university of Columbia, The University of Texas System, the University of British Columbia and many more. From architecture to art and culture, from economics to electronics, from math to music, this website provides a various ranges of courses. It is the high ranked website which provides one of the best study help.
If reliability and affordability are the things which you are looking for, then HelpwithAssignment is the best place for you. HwA has delivered numerous successful online tutoring sessions where students have benefited from the services. The PhD qualified experts at HwA provide lot of insight into the subject and also help in getting best understanding of the concepts of the coursework. Not only study help, it is one of the best places where you can online assignment help with affordable prices.
Coursera – org
As the tagline of this website says” you are unstoppable”, same goes for this website too. This is the most user friendly website and very popular and preferable webs among students. It offered multiple numbers of courses and topic of interest of students, when a student opens this website he gets stick to this website and cannot move to any other site. It offers recorded video lectures, auto-graded and peer reviewed assignments. Each courses offered in this site is like an interactive textbook featuring prerecorded videos, quizzes and projects. This website collaborates with Illinois, John Hopkins University, Stanford University, University of Michigan and many more. The websites assures to give a sharable electronic certificate course after completing any course.
Academic earth – org
In the year 2009 a revolution come in the name of online education. Academic Earth was pioneer of them. It was founded in the very same year to provide free education among students.The course in this website varies from different aspect. Starting from art and culture to astronomy, different subjects of Humanities to the aspect of science subjects it covers them all. This website also offered help in preparation of various test like GMAT, SAT, LSAT etc. from traditional to contemporary you can find the entire subjects in this site. It has collaboration with the University of Oxford, Yale University, MIT, Stanford University, Harvard University and many more Walden university, and many more.
Internet archive – archieve.org
Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, movies & music, as well as 341 billion archived web pages.This is an authentic website which stores the original contents from various big websites. It is one of the best free websites which provides study tutorials, books etc. This is the most useful websites for references. Like a paper library this website provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print disabled, and the general public. This site begins to work in the year 1996 by archiving the internet itself. This website generally pays special attention to books. However students don’t get any certificates after completing any course from this website.
Cosmolearning – cosmolearning.com
CosmoLearning is a non-profitable educational website committed to improving the quality of homeschooling, teaching and student excellence. It provides thousands of free video lectures by world top scholars and independent contributors. The journey of this websites started in the year 2007, when two siblings named Gab and Rafa started to look for valuable educational content in the web, and in the year 2007 they have created a website not only help to their own colleagues, classmates but also to the thousands of other students, homeschooler, graduates, undergraduates who needs free online education.
In CosmoLearning the main mantra of this site is “freedom to learn means freedom to choose”. This website provides approximately 1292 online courses. Apart from different contemporary topics to traditional topic this websites covered different type of documentaries. The main reason to visit the website is it covers many attractive and contemporary topics which get many interest among students. The students do not get any certificate after completing any course from this site.
As the definition of education goes globalized it is not only bound to classrooms or school or college premises, the education go beyond that horizon.Last but not the least there are many benefits of online education, which are as follows:
- It is flexible.
- It is cheaper.
- It has good networking opportunities.
- It is well documented.
- It has good accessibility.
- The education is much more attractive.
- It has free accessibility to all the people, anybody can learn anywhere from the world.
As it say the sky has no limit the online free education makes us believes in this.