Nursing research can be categorized in terms of quantitative and qualitative research. Depending on the nature of your nursing assignment, the evidence-based research can be either quantitative in nature or qualitative. The quantitative research is more aligned with the positive paradigm of nursing research, whilst the qualitative research is more aligned with the naturalistic paradigm. If you are conducting a quantitative nursing research then your nursing homework will be formally structured, objective oriented, and also deductive in nature. However, on the other hand a qualitative nursing research is more informal in its structure and also at the same time is more subjective and deploys more inductive approach in order to solve the problem.
For both quantitative and qualitative nursing homework help you can rely fully on You can check out our Nursing Assignment Help page for quality nursing homework help. Additionally you can check out the differences between a quantitative and qualitative nursing research and understand the two different approaches of nursing studies.
Must Know Things about Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Nursing
Qualitative Nursing Research
A qualitative nursing research is basically an unstructured research which involves focus groups and in-depth interviews trying to assess the qualitative aspects of the patient or the problems they are facing. A qualitative nursing assignment can also involve an overall review of the literature pertaining to a particular topic or theme as far as medical science and healthcare are concerned. In such cases you need to apply a primary inductive process in order to formulate a hypothesis for your nursing report.
A qualitative assessment in the field of nursing is very subjective in manner and in most of the cases it narrates a story in the form of personal experience. The focus of these kinds of studies is on few cases and based on that, a qualitative report tries to answer the clinical question or a hypothesis that it has framed. The questions asked to the population or the patients are mostly open ended and the researcher needs to assess each of the answers in order to make a qualitative assessment of the situation. A qualitative nursing report cannot really be generalized and it should be appraised on the basis of the variety of information it provides to the reader. Normally no statistical tests are conducted in a qualitative nursing assignment report.
Qualitative nursing research is normally based on natural settings and it is focused on a smaller group of a population or sometimes on one particular patient for that matter. The data collection method of qualitative research is also quite informal as they are based on observational notes, some unstructured open-ended interviews, and random notes collected by the researcher. There is no specific medical interventional strategy or any measurable outcomes in such cases as the studies are mostly observational and unstructured. The examples of qualitative nursing research reports include the likes of ethnography, case reports, case study, and biographies of specific patients, grounded theories, various live experiences or something similar to these kinds of researches. These kinds of studies mostly include detailed unstructured interviews, open-ended questions for participations, and research done through timely observations. This is the reason why the qualitative nursing studies are less generalized and more unique in their own right.
Read more: Importance of Psychology in Nursing
Quantitative Nursing Research
Quantitative nursing reports are mostly based on various surveys, structured interviews, and the results are often measurable or quantifiable. Numeric records of documents pertaining to a particular patient or a target population are considered for analysis in case of such nursing assignment reports. The hypothesis or the clinical questions in such research are well structured and they often demand numerical responses from the researcher. The population and the problem are well-defined in such cases along with the intervention and comparison parameters.
That means that quantitative nursing projects tend to be based on numbers and statistics and hence they are quantifiable for the researcher and also for the readers of the report. These kinds of nursing research provide observed effects in terms of substantial change in certain parameters of the patient population in respect to the altering medical intervention. These reports are more generalized when compared to the Qualitative nursing research and they seek fixed and measured responses in terms of number or change in percentage.
A Quantitative nursing research is mostly based on lab settings or any other controlled settings where usually a large sample is being examined under certain interventions and conditions providing the researcher with some statistical indication and outcome. The outcome determines whether or not the intervention had any effect. Quasi-experimental nursing research, experimental nursing research, control trials, clinical trials, and case-control studies are some of the examples of quantitative research in nursing. There will be a specific and measurable research questions, a solid intervention and instruments in the form of surveys.
If you need help with either quantitative or qualitative nursing assignment help you can visit our website and get instant help. is the most reliable source for getting quantitative nursing research report and qualitative nursing research report and we provide 24/7 support to nursing students all across the globe.
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