Publish On: September 11, 2023
By HelpWithAssignment

101 PICO Nursing Research Questions

PICO is essential for formulating clinical questions in evidence-based research in nursing. Evidence-based research papers constitute a major part of nursing assignments, and these papers require that you design your research questions in accordance with the PICO framework. This framework is divided into four major elements:

  • P: Patient, Problem, Population
  • I: Intervention
  • C: Comparison
  • O: Outcome

In some cases, an additional parameter is used:

  • T: Time frame, Type of Question, or Type of Study (this element is not always present, but it can help in determining the perfect clinical question).

A well-formulated clinical question will address most, if not all, aspects of PICO. These elements are designed to help you define the perfect clinical question for your evidence-based nursing report, and your entire nursing research paper should be framed around this structure.

If you need assistance with your PICO research questions or nursing research homework, do not hesitate to contact us. is a reliable provider of nursing research assignment help, offering top-quality support to nursing students worldwide. If you are still concerned about framing your perfect clinical question, contact our expert nursing tutors today.

101 PICO Research Questions

Meanwhile, here is a list of 101 PICO research questions to give you an idea:

  1. Is using toys as distractions during needle vaccinations for toddlers an effective method for managing pain?
  2. Do pain diaries work in pain management for cancer patients?
  3. Is the use of antibacterial foam dispensers a healthy choice for nurses?
  4. Do bedside shift reports improve overall patient care for nurses?
  5. Is the lithotomy position ideal for giving birth to women in labor?
  6. Is cup feeding an infant better than tube feeding in a NICU setup?
  7. Does raising the head of the bed for a mechanically ventilated patient reduce the chances of pneumonia?
  8. Is home visitation a better approach to managing teen pregnancy compared to regular school visits in rural areas?
  9. What is the effect of higher potassium intake on children with low blood pressure?
  10. Is spironolactone more effective than clonidine in reducing the blood pressure of teenagers?
  11. What are the health outcomes of high potassium intake in adults over the age of 21?
  12. Do workout routines help patients suffering from hypertension?
  13. Is the intervention of flushing the heroine via lines a more effective treatment for patients with CVLs/PICCs?
  14. Which is more effective for children suffering from seasonal flu: a nasal swab or a nasal aspirate?
  15. Is the use of intravenous fluids a better remedy for critically ill infants?
  16. What is the most effective method for reducing oxygen saturation levels during oxygen therapy in children with urinary tract infections?
  17. What is the best method for administering oxygen to children aged 2 to 3 months during oxygenation?
  18. Does controlling the amount of sublingual sugar benefit fully conscious children suffering from hypoglycemia?
  19. What are the best practices for initiating and terminating oxygen therapy?
  20. Is a wound vac a better alternative to standard moist wound therapy for patients with ulcers and high blood pressure?
  21. Is negative pressure wound therapy more effective than standard moist therapy for patients over the age of 60?
  22. Does group therapy improve conversational skills in patients with schizophrenia?
  23. What are the probable aftereffects (such as bruises and other injuries) of heroin injection therapy in COPD patients?
  24. Is music therapy an effective mode of PACU pain management for patients emerging from anesthesia?
  25. Is the intake of zinc pills more effective than vitamin C in preventing colds during winter in middle-aged women?
  26. Does skin-to-skin contact between an infant and its mother provide better neonatal outcomes compared to drying and wrapping?
  27. Do non-smoking adults face any risk of esophageal cancer?
  28. Is vitamin K prophylaxis effective in preventing vitamin K deficiency caused by neonatal bleeding?
  29. What roles do pre-surgery cardiac nurses play in preventing depression among patients awaiting cardiac surgery?
  30. Is medical intervention effective in addressing childhood obesity among school-going children?
  31. Can nurse-led presentations on mental health and bullying help combat these issues in public schools?
  32. What are the effects of adding beta-blockers to lower blood pressure in adult men over the age of 70?
  33. Does frequent handwashing among healthcare workers decrease the incidence of infections in hospitals?
  34. Is psychological intervention more effective than a placebo for people suffering from dementia?
  35. What are the measurable effects of extended ICU stays and increased antibiotic consumption among children with sepsis?
  36. How effective is antenatal care for pregnant women under the age of 20?
  37. Is fentanyl more effective than morphine for managing pain in adults over the age of 50?
  38. Are new exercise regimens effective in preventing fatal heart diseases in women with a family history of cardiac disorders?
  39. Are alarm sensors effective in preventing accidents in hospitals for patients over the age of 65?
  40. Is continuous feeding during emesis more effective than temporarily stopping feeds as an intervention?
  41. Is stopping lipid intake for 4 hours effective in achieving the desired triglyceride level for patients about to receive TPN?
  42. Why is it difficult to detect Clostridioides difficile in children under the age of 5?
  43. Is a syringe pump more effective than a kangaroo pump for storing breast milk in pediatric patients?
  44. What is the usefulness of an LP/spinal tap after the initiation of antivirals in pediatric patients suffering from fever?
  45. Is an annual mammogram necessary for detecting breast cancer in women over the age of 40?
  46. Is it necessary to test blood glucose levels four times a day in a patient with Type 1 diabetes?
  47. Are oral contraceptives effective in preventing pregnancy in women over the age of 30?
  48. Are oral contraceptives more likely to cause blood clotting problems in women over the age of 40?
  49. What are the expected outcomes for pediatric patients with MRSA?
  50. Are inline suction catheters more effective than regular catheters in reducing the risk of infection?
  51. What are the uses of an insufflation port in heroin therapy for pediatric populations?
  52. Is flushing GT with Pedialyte a healthy measure for preventing sodium depletion?
  53. What are the ethical considerations for providing placebo medication to a pediatric population suffering from mental health issues?
  54. Is monitoring NJT placement by aspiration more effective for infants?
  55. What is the average bill-level required to offer hyperbilirubinemia treatment for newborn patients?
  56. Does the use of an MDI produce better results than regular nebulizers for pediatric patients suffering from asthma?
  57. What are the benefits of achieving afebrility in an infant for an entire day before performing a VCUG?
  58. Is a sudden change in temperature harmful to neurologically devastated patients?
  59. What is the accuracy of oral thermometers compared to tympanic thermometers for pediatric populations?
  60. What are the standard vital sign parameters for a pediatric population?
  61. Does psychological intervention increase self-confidence in patients suffering from chronic diseases?
  62. What is the impact of managing Prevacid before a pH probe study in pediatric patients with GERD?
  63. Are cold packs more effective than heat packs for managing IV infiltrates?
  64. Is placing a toddler in a prone position more effective in preventing air leaks in patients using chest tubes?
  65. What are the impacts of using an intermittent straight catheter in children suffering from UTIs?
  66. What is the clinical relationship between congenital central hypoventilation syndrome and Hirschsprung’s disease?
  67. Are there advantages to using TPA as a thrombolytic therapy in chest tubes?
  68. What is the effectiveness of the RASKIN protocol in managing migraines?
  69. What is the significance of using three banks of lights for infants with hyperbilirubinemia?
  70. Do bilirubin levels decrease faster when more banks of lights are used to treat infants with hyperbilirubinemia?
  71. What are the effects of IVF bolus in controlling magnesium sulfate levels in patients suffering from asthma?
  72. Are ethanol locks effective in preventing catheter-based infections in infants?
  73. What are the consequences of vaccination in children compared to adults?
  74. Is the use of infrared skin thermometers justified compared to tympanic thermometers for pediatric patients?
  75. What are the basic protocols of AFB culture for diagnosing tuberculosis?
  76. Infants with SGS often vomit when Imodium is introduced. What are the alternatives?
  77. Does the use of modern syringes reduce needle injuries among healthcare workers in America?
  78. Is the increased intake of antidepressants among urban women aged 30 and older affecting their maternal health?
  79. What is the direct connection between VAP and NGT?
  80. Is sodium bicarbonate absorption more effective via tubes compared to swallowing?
  81. Has the increased use of mosquito nets in Uganda helped reduce malaria among infants?
  82. Does the increased habit of smoking marijuana among Dutch students raise the chances of depression?
  83. Does increased intake of oral contraceptives raise the risk of breast cancer in women aged 20–30 in the UK?
  84. Does bullying in boarding schools in Scotland increase the risk of domestic violence over 20 years?
  85. Does administering pain relief medication during surgery reduce pain more effectively than administering it post-surgery?
  86. Do breastfeeding toddlers in urban areas have a lower risk of obesity than preschoolers?
  87. Does encouraging male colleagues to discuss sexual harassment reduce workplace depression?
  88. Does forming workgroups to discuss domestic violence among rural populations decrease stress and depression among women?
  89. Do peer-supported intervention programs help prevent school suicide rates among female students in New York?
  90. Is yoga an effective therapy for reducing lymphedema in patients recovering from neck cancer?
  91. Does receiving “phone tweets” lower blood sugar levels in people with Type 1 diabetes?
  92. Are males over the age of 30 who have smoked for more than one year at greater risk of esophageal cancer compared to nonsmokers in the same age group?
  93. Are women aged 25 to 40 who take regular oral contraceptives at greater risk of blood clots compared to those who avoid them?
  94. For women under the age of 50, is an annual mammogram more effective in preventing breast cancer compared to one performed every three years?
  95. Are cancer patients receiving aggressive protocols involving radiation and chemotherapy more vulnerable to cachexia than those who are not?
  96. Can colon cancer be more effectively detected when colonoscopy is supported by an occult blood test compared to colonoscopy alone?
  97. Does a regular 30-minute exercise regimen effectively reduce the risk of heart disease in adults over 65?
  98. Does daily blood pressure monitoring help address the triggers of hypertension in males over 65?
  99. After a diagnosis of high blood sugar levels, is monitoring blood glucose four times a day more effective in controlling Type 1 diabetes?
  100. Does prolonged exposure to chemotherapy increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases in teenagers with cancer?
  101. Are first-time mothers giving birth to premature babies more prone to postpartum depression compared to second- or third-time mothers in similar situations?

These examples are based on the PICO parameters—Population, Problem, Patient, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome. Although not every question incorporates every parameter of PICO (or PICOT), each clearly outlines the framework for your nursing essay or nursing thesis.

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