Human Capital Management
Human capital management is one of the emerging branches in human resources. Human capital is the accumulated worth of education, experience and skills present in employees which can be rented out to employers. The presence of skilled human capital today gives an edge in a cut throat competition, given the similar material capitals. It is the human creativity and ingenuity that has been playing a key role in designing new products and services and not the actual capital or the ‘smart’ machines. Human capital is regarded as an important element of intangible assets in an organization. Other intangible assets which…
Read MoreInternational Accounting : Europe
The blog article highlight's the following points: Understand how financial reporting is regulated and enforced in five European countries: France, Germany, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and the U.K. Describe the key similarities and differences between the accounting systems of these five countries. Identify the use of International Financial Reporting Standards at the levels of the individual company and the consolidated financial statements in these five countries. Describe the audit-oversight mechanisms in these five countries. IFRS in the European Union Starting in 2005, all EU-listed companies must follow IFRS in their consolidated financial statements. Generally, IFRS consolidated statements are permitted for non-listed…
Read MoreInternational Accounting: Development and Classification
International Accounting : Development and Classification Why Study Development and Classification? Development Helps understand a nation’s accounting. Explains the differences and similarities in accounting around the world. Classification Helps understand why and how national accounting systems differ. Helps analyze whether these systems are converging or diverging. Are a way of viewing the world. Development 1. Sources of finance – who, how many, how close? ◦ Equity markets Profits measure how well managers have run the company. Accounting is used to assess cash flows, risks, and to value the firm. Extensive disclosures. ◦ Banks Conservative earnings for…
Read MoreInternational Accounting
What Is Domestic Accounting? Domestic Accounting: an information specialty providing information about a firm to users of that information as a basis for economic decisions. What is International Accounting? International Accounting (defined): same as above except that the firm being reported on is a multinational company with operations and transactions that cross national boundaries or an entity with reporting obligations to non-domestic readers. What Does International Accounting Diversity Entail? Measurement principles Financial disclosure (corporate transparency) Auditing practices Contributing Factors Accounting’s international heritage Double-entry originates in the Italian city states. Bookkeeping spreads to Germany and assists the spread of capitalism. Dutch…
Read MoreConceptualizing Social Work Theory
The role of theory in social work We need to draw on theories that help to explain all levels of personal and social experience and the role of social work in relation to these issues: Interpersonal (micro) level: how loss and grief and stress impact on the individual and family (the traditional domain of psychology and psychiatry) Social (structural/macro) level: how can we understand the community and societal response to the needs of the careers of children and young people with disability? (the traditional domains of sociology, economics, etc) Organisational (institutional/meso level) how various organisational policies and structures influence service…
Read MoreDiscipline in Employment Law
Discipline The disciplinary framework can be divided into two elements: The rules imposed within the workplace, and, The procedures which need to be followed to ensure legal compliance and best practice. The ERA requires that in claims of unfair dismissal not only must the employer prove that the dismissal was for a potentially fair reason, but that also the employment tribunal can satisfy itself that the employer acted reasonably in treating as sufficient, the reason which was the basis for the dismissal. The Tribunal will focus on the employer’s behaviour, which should be judged by reference to the standards of…
Read MoreLearn Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) It is rare to find a company relying solely on one source of funds. The balance sheets of even modest-sized businesses show that companies raise investment funds through a variety of channels. Furthermore, they pay different rates on the various components of their capital structures. The resulting overall cost of capital, is usually referred to as the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). As the term suggests, the WACC is simply the sum of the costs of the individual components of capital where each component is weighted in accordance with its relative importance…
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