Common Citation mistakes students make
Citation or referencing is one of the most important tasks of students while writing any assignments or papers. It needs a little practice to master the various citation techniques. But, before that can occur, many students can be found making certain mistakes in citation. Making mistakes in citation is deemed as plagiarism in the academic world and is a serious violation of academic standards and rules. Each and every one of these mistakes can be avoided and here are some of the most common mistakes that student make during citation. Here are some of the mistakes that are commonly made…
Read MoreBudget College Vacation Tips for Students
Are you really confused about what to do during this winter vacation? And just for a change, you don’t want to go to your home and instead want to do something else. Perhaps, this time you and your friends plan for a small vacation. Yes, a vacation that absolutely fits in your budget. There’s nothing more satisfying than going to a vacation with your friends for few days, right. For this winter, you could head south for a hot summer feel or you could simply find snowy mountains for skiing. Here’s a list of budget destinations for winter. Here are some…
Read MoreHistory of Epidemiology
Epidemiology is one of the fundamental sciences in public health. It is the study of patterns, causes and effects of health and disease conditions in population. In other words, epidemiology helps in studying health and disease patterns in population and in mapping emerging diseases. The history of epidemiology can be traced backed to the observations made by Hippocrates 2000 years ago. He said that environment factors played a role in disease development. But, until 18th century there were no major developments in the field. The advent of industrial revolution made it a necessity for the government in England to establish…
Read MoreResearch Areas in Epidemiology
Epidemiology, as we know is the study of the distribution and determinants of frequency of various diseases. Epidemiology has gained great importance in the last 2 centuries because it helped in fighting and controlling many diseases. Today, epidemiology is an important study in public health and much of public health depends on the studies conducted by epidemiology. Epidemiology has its roots connected with public health and with the governments in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries giving more and more importance to public health and sanitation, the study of epidemiology became an essential part and hence, epidemiology evolved into a…
Read MoreHow to Succeed in College?
Perhaps this is the Holy Grail question for every college and university student who wants to top in his or her class? And, yes there is no standard answer for this question. But, don’t get discouraged so easily. We’ve said, there is no standard answer, but didn’t say there is no answer at all. Well, we’ve tried making a list of dos and don’ts that can help you to an extent in succeeding in your college. These tips are about how making certain small changes in your lifestyle and rearranging your timings can help you achieve success, if not make…
Read MoreHow to make an effective PowerPoint presentation
PowerPoint presentations play an important role in every student’s life. Each and every student in the academia will have to give a presentation on one topic or the other at least once in a life time. We’re saying once in a life time which is an exaggeration, but in reality every student will have to give a presentation at least twice or thrice every year. Thus, it is important to know about making your presentation in the best possible manner and ways in which it can presented is also very important. There are certain general rules and certain specific rules…
Read MoreCollege Halloween Party Ideas
Halloween is the one time that most college students can have a blast of time with their friends and the best part is that they get to wear what they like or what they want to be and can get away with it no matter how silly they look like. Well, isn’t it the best part of it? You get to wear the craziest costume and never, ever get branded for it. Halloween is not just about costumes, but it is about spending some very good time with your friends. And a Halloween party must have theme to them. Here…
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