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9 Best Stress Management Tips for Students

By HelpWith Assignment | Publish On: December 14, 2021 | Posted In:

The most common victims of stress are students. There are many factors that lead to stress such as overcommitment, financial expenses, family expectations, deadlines and workload. A mild amount of stress is useful for motivation for students but too much stress can interfere with their daily lives. The problem with stress is that, when its built over the time, it leads to serious problems like depression and anxiety.  If stress is managed in its early stages, it can help maximize the college/university opportunities for students. So, here are 7 tips to manage stress. Manage time Time management is one of…

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11 Best Ways to Make Your Essay Look Longer

By HelpWith Assignment | Publish On: | Posted In:

The world of essay writing is really interesting if and only if you can master the very essence of formatting one the best way possible. But then in every essay there comes a point where you might just get stuck and lose out on information such that you might feel that it is not worth it to continue but need to fill in the pages in order to suffice the given criteria of the essay. Hence don’t worry, we got you covered as we have some of the interesting tips and tricks that you can use in order to elongate…

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7 Perfect Dissertation Fonts to Impress Your Professors

By HelpWith Assignment | Publish On: | Posted In:

Dissertation and Thesis, these two terms can be interchangeable and may vary between countries and universities. A dissertation is the most substantial piece of independent work in undergraduate programmes whereas a thesis is usually associated with master’s degrees.  A dissertation is a document submitted by students pursuing undergraduate, post-graduate and Ph.D. in support of candidature for their professional or academic qualification. They are supposed to fulfill all the requirements like choosing an accurate research methodology, writing the literature review, exploring new facts and findings and precisely discussing the original results and outcomes. Learning abilities and writing skills of students are…

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7 Best Language Tips to Improve Your Assignments

By HelpWith Assignment | Publish On: November 10, 2021 | Posted In:

Writing an engaging piece of literature takes years of experience, and knowledge. To develop a writing skill that instantly grab the attention of the readers and keeps them engaged to the text till the very last word is a challenging task. Over the centuries, English literature has evolved vastly with contributions from many great writers and scholars. Various language techniques have been contributed by legendary authors and here we talk about 7 language techniques which you should try to incorporate in your next academic or casual piece of literature. What are language techniques? It is described as certain key elements…

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An Ultimate Guide to Memoir Writing

By HelpWith Assignment | Publish On: January 7, 2021 | Posted In:

The hardest part of writing a memoir is getting started. We have a lifetime of memories, and things we like to share. Writing a memoir will be a pleasant activity if you have an idea of the formatting structure. Once you get familiar with the details, it won’t take much time to write an effective memoir. You not only share your personal experience but also provide your readers with pointers on how to react in a particular situation. WHAT IS A MEMOIR? A memoir focuses on selected anecdotes of a person’s life. It is often misinterpreted as an autobiography. But,…

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A Guide for Writing The Best 1000 Word Essay

By HelpWith Assignment | Publish On: December 20, 2020 | Posted In:

Writing a 1000 word essay is a tough task for some students and for some it’s easy. These essays are short but you need to pay more attention to every single word. The essay should be informative and interesting if you want to engage your audience. So, here is how you can write an effective 1000 word essay. Choose a good topic: Generally, students are given topics for their essays but if you haven’t give any topic for your essay then it can be a big plus for you. You can choose from countless essay topics. There are a lot…

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6 Things to Know Before Starting A Dissertation

By HelpWith Assignment | Publish On: December 18, 2020 | Posted In:

Writing a dissertation was a long procedure that involved the majority of our time within recent memory and really thinking back you concede that you were focusing on an excessive amount of about it! Here we are not saying that you shouldn't worry about everything except having a go at maintaining a strategic distance from dreaming about it. Quit having bad dreams about it, we at provide some tips about how to start writing a dissertation. Here are 6 things to know before you start your dissertation. 6 Must-Know Things Before Writing A Dissertation Early Research: It's quite good…

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