Publish On: August 13, 2010
By HelpWithAssignment

Java Assignment Help

Java is a programming language which appeared in 1995. It is very similar to its predecessors C and C++ although its not from the makers of C. Java was developed by Sun MicroSystems. It’s now very popular among most of the Programmers. The reason for the success of Java can be attributed to the fact that it is highly portable. This is one of the reasons for the success of Java. And also Java was launched with the slogan, “Write Once and Run Anywhere” (WORA). This feature also made Java a low-cost alternative.

Surprisingly Java was not for the internet. Instead the primary motivation was the need for platform independent language that could be used to create software to be embedded in various consumer electronic devices, such as toasters, microwave ovens and remote controls. And the internet at the time of Java’s release was mushrooming with many platforms with many operating systems. And that turned out to be a boon for Java and its subsequent acceptance over the internet.

In a span of few years Java went from relative obscurity to being the most important language of the internet. The impact of Java cannot be understated. It transformed the web into a highly interactive environment, setting a new standard for computer language design along the way.

At we provide the best assistance in Java. We have roped in computer experts who have done their Masters and PhDs from the top Universities. They can teach online and prepare A grade Assignments in Java and other related technologies. Visit our website for further details.