Publish On: September 9, 2011
By HelpWithAssignment

Human Resource Planning

HR Planning

Human Resource Planning is an important step towards acquiring right people in the right place at the right time. Lack of accurate planning will hamper the organization’s position in the market. The organization may not function as expected because the right people may not have been put in the right places.

An effective Human Resource Planning will save the organization a lot of money because, when inefficient people are placed in key or strategic positions, the growth of the organization is affected and the organization can incur losses. An organization also cannot afford to be understaffed or overstaffed. If it is understaffed, the organization will have to hire more people which will incur an additional cost. If the organization is overstaffed, then the extra employees will have to be paid salaries with no productivity from their side.

An organization also needs to care of the career development of its employees. Employees are known to shift jobs, when there is no apparent career development options open to them in their organization. For this purpose a strategic human resource planning needs to be made so that it can encompass aspects such as hiring, training, the actual work, career development, etc.

The role of Strategic Human Resource Planning

The planning function of human resources is the driving force behind all the other functions. Staffing needs are identified before other functions are addressed. Once the staffing needs have been identified and the plans are completed, the remaining functions can be integrated into a cohesive plan. Only after this stage are the other stages or functions such as recruitment, training, deployment and career development are looked at.

Human Resource Planning is the process where the need of the organization are identified and there upon the right kind of people who fit the job are recruited. This is an ongoing process in many organizations as finding the right kind of people for the organization cannot be predicted in any case.

Human Resources Planning assists an organization in realizing its strategic objectives. The human resource needs of the firm are projected and the appropriate people are identified, hired, promoted, transferred and/or trained.

An effective human resource planning helps in adapting to an ever-changing environment of today’s business by giving more flexibility to the organization.

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Human Resources – The new role, Human Resources Time Management, Recruitments & Selection Strategies, Compensation & Rewards