Publish On: October 20, 2014
By HelpWithAssignment

How to Succeed in College?

Perhaps this is the Holy Grail question for every college and university student who wants to top in his or her class? And, yes there is no standard answer for this question. But, don’t get discouraged so easily. We’ve said, there is no standard answer, but didn’t say there is no answer at all.

Well, we’ve tried making a list of dos and don’ts that can help you to an extent in succeeding in your college. These tips are about how making certain small changes in your lifestyle and rearranging your timings can help you achieve success, if not make miracles.

Choose the major you love: There is an obvious reason why we stress on choosing the major subject you like for your college or university. If science intrigues you, then perhaps you must choose science as your major subject. Choosing the subject you love will automatically help you to concentrate more.

Avoid skipping classes: Some students have this habit of skipping classes now and then, just for fun. Remember guys, this is not high school, this is college. Missing just one class can make you fall back drastically. And moreover, unlike in high school, college classes move very fast. College instructors follow this old proverb, “time and tide, wait for none”.  Also, some colleges have this rule of including your attendance of each and every class in your final score. So, don’t skip classes unless and until, it is absolutely necessary. Even on days when you’ve had enough of ‘download’, it is better to attend your classes than to sit on the couch and play some video games.

Avoid being late: Many instructors find latecomers very irritating. And they remember those latecomers for all the wrong reasons. The minute you are registered in the mind of your professor as a latecomer, that hard earned impression that you’ve made will be just lost in a second. And your professor will remember you as a good-for-nothing guy. This can have a good impact on your grades later on. Avoid making this costly mistake.

Know your syllabus: Most colleges have a syllabus to follow strictly and on time. Have a copy of the syllabus and keep it with you always for referring back. The syllabus will have the list of topics and the number of days of instruction clearly written on them.

Get acquainted with the people around you: It’s not a good idea to be aloof in college. You should acquaint yourself with your fellow students and exchange contact information. Having contact information will help you in catching up for those skipped classes.

Introduce yourself to your instructor: It’s a good idea to introduce yourself personally to your professor and let him or her know about your seriousness in the subject. Also, take your professor’s contact information and office hours. Professors go out of the way to help such students who are not just serious about their studies but who are trying very hard.

Always try to sit in the front row: Try to sit in the front row as much as you can. It will give you a clear view of the board and you won’t miss out what’s on the bottom of the board. Usually, those who sit in the back rows have a problem seeing what’s written at the bottom o the board.

Get notes from seniors: Find out about your seniors and ask them about the notes that they’ve prepared. Usually, many seniors try to get rid of their stuff. What is trash to them, can actually be your treasure. If you ever happen to miss any notes in class, then you can refer to the notes given by your senior. Also, ask them about the text books. Buying text books in seconds can actually save a lot of money.

After college study hours: Set timings for your after college study hours. Make this timing usually after coming from college. After you’ve reached home or your dorm room, just relax for sometime and start reading what has been taught in your class that day. And after studying, complete your homework or assignments. Studying first will help you to remember what has been taught in the class and not just remembering, but it reinforces it in your memory. Also, after getting up the next day, just give a casual reading to what you’ve learnt yesterday. This will add another layer to your memory.

Weekend study: During weekends, don’t just party all day and night. Give some time for your studies as well. In the weekends, take out time and study what has been taught all through the week for all the subjects. This tip is given not because we want to see your weekends being ruined. But, it is because of the fact that no matter how hard you’ve studied hard during the week, skipping it during the weekends can make you forget some of the important stuff. You might forget some minute details in the topics.

Set a time table: Just like your academic or college timetable, make a timetable of your own, which is at least valid for a month. Prepare a timetable for your after college hour study so that it will be easy for you to keep up with what is being taught in the class. Most students successfully prepare a timetable for after college study, but fail miserably in implementing it. Don’t be one of them. Don’t just try, but study according to the timetable that you’ve set. If you’re ever were to miss the schedule, do try to keep up the next day. And at any cost, avoid missing the timetable.

Don’t burn the midnight candle: Its easier said than done, but most students are very active at night. Being awake all night can be not just bad for your health, but also for your classes next day. As your mind is already filled with the experiences of the whole day, it can be very hard to concentrate during this time. And moreover, due to hectic schedule, your body and mind just want to relax.

Wake up early and study:  Try to sleep early and try to study during the dawn hours. As you’ve just woken up from sleep, your mind will be fresh with less and less thoughts. And this time will help your brain in retaining much of what is being studied. Don’t just do it for 1 or 2 days. Continue it for as many days as you can.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy: To all those bookworms out there, just go out and have some fun. Play some games with your buddies. Have a jog around the park. Other than study, physical exercise is also very important for succeeding in college.

Yes, we know that these are the usual tips that anyone can give. But, don’t forget that there is no shortcut to succeeding not just in college but in life. Our intention is not to make a bookworms, but to show you the right way for succeeding in college. From we hope that you succeed in your college and come out with flying colors.