Publish On: September 3, 2015
By HelpWithAssignment

How Our Solution Library Works, which has earned your love and respect for these many years, is back with yet another service for students. Solution Library, a repository of solutions covered a wide range of subjects including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, Nursing, Statistics, Computer Science, Corporate Strategy, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Law, Sociology, Political Science, History, Religion, English and many more subjects.

What is so special about Solution Library?

Our Solution Library contains 10000 solutions from the above mentioned subjects and more. There are a range of solutions to look for at our Solution Library. We have solutions ranging from multiple choice questions, short answer questions to essay answers, simple case studies to complex case studies from reputed universities such as the Ivy League and Harvard Universities.

Our Tutors

Our solutions have been carefully prepared by our tutors who are highly qualified and well placed professionals. Our tutors have earned their Masters and PhD degrees from some of the reputed Universities in the United States including the Ivy League. These solutions have carefully been reviewed for errors or mistakes that might’ve crept in. Only after making doubly sure that a solution is free from any errors, we put it up for sale. Hence, the solutions are of top-notch quality.

Multiple Choice Questions and Short Answer Questions

In our Solution Library, one can find Multiple Choice Questions and Short Answer Questions in various subjects. These questions are easy to remember and when studied properly, can be very helpful in getting good scores.

Long and Essay Questions

Majority of the questions that you can find in our Solution Library are these, long and essay questions belonging to subjects like Marketing, Human Resources, Corporate Strategy, Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Law, Economics, etc. These questions can be further divided depending upon the subject. For example, in Marketing, one can find questions related to Marketing Plan of an organization, PESTLE Analysis in Corporate Strategy, Human Resource Strategy in Human Resources Management, case description and case laws in Law, questions related to economic growth, business cycles, fiscal and monetary policy, etc in Economics. These long and essay questions have been written carefully referenced by books from noted and established authors in respective subjects.

Case Studies

You can also find Case Studies in our Solution Library. These case studies belong to subjects such as Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Corporate Strategy, Economics, Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Statistics, etc. Some of the case study solutions are also belong to The Ivy League Universities including Harvard. In fact, we have numerous case studies in subjects such as Finance, Marketing, Economics, Corporate Strategy from Harvard University. Our case studies also include complex and lengthy case studies to brief cases as well.


We also have various problems with solutions in subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, electronics engineering, civil engineering and statistics. In fact, our problems and solutions at hand, they can be used as reference for solving similar problems that students would come across.

How it works

When you search for a solution in our Solution Library and find it, before going ahead and buying it, you can view the solution for its accuracy and then buy it. We provide this option, because we understand your own concern to not to get duped. Only after you’re fully satisfied with the solution, that you may buy it. After making sure that everything is okay, you can go ahead and buy the solution.


Our Solution Library offers these many solutions to students and one might think that they are expensive. But, that’s where they’re wrong. Our solutions have been priced very suitably, keeping in mind of an average student’s expenses. Our pricing has been designed in such a way that the expenses would neatly fit into your budget without crossing the limit.

How to search

In the Solution Library page, you can find an area to enter text. You can enter the desired text and search either using keyword or subject as the criteria. In this way, you can easily locate a solution.


If you do not find the solution that you’re looking for, you can contact our representative through a Live Chat option and inquire about the question. If the solution is present at our end and you’re not able to locate it, our representative will help you locate it. If the mentioned solution is not present at our end (the chances are very low), then you can order that solution. Our representative will give you a price quote and will also give you the estimated time of delivery. And you can have a custom-made solution.

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