Publish On: July 16, 2010
By HelpWithAssignment

Dissertation help at

Dissertation is the last hurdle that students have to cross, in order to get their Graduate or Master Degrees and Doctorate Degrees. It is of prime importance as two or three years of learning depends on the proper preperation, execution and presentation of the dissertation. No Masters and PhD Degrees are awarded without a good dissertation. So, this shows the importance and the place of Dissertation in Higher studies. Writing a dissertation is not so easy. It requires a thorough understanding of the subject and the resulting research in the subject. This is critical for obtaining the degree.

This is one of the main reasons for students dropping out of graduate, masters and doctoral programs. Choosing a topic is not important, but what has been found in the research is the important thing. And also, how one writes the dissertation proposal is also important, as many students proposals are returned after review by the Professors.

Help With Thesis (HWT) provides you with help and advice on your thesis and dissertation work. We bring a panel of PhDs from fields as diverse as management, engineering, sciences, medical, law, accounting, finance, strategy amongst others. The experts have been through this long drawn process themselves and have come out successful in the toughest of academic environments.

Understanding what to expect during the thesis writing and dissertation writing process is the first step to writing a successful thesis and dissertation. Thesis and Dissertation reflect your expertise in one specific, well-defined topic where you have done your own original work and analysis. This kind of document cannot be turned out in weeks, leave alone hours! We help you where you need our help – thesis writing, dissertation writing, thesis review, dissertation review, thesis analysis, dissertation analysis, thesis proposal help, and dissertation proposal help, literature review, research methodology, statistical analyses as well as thesis & dissertation ideation.

HWT provides help on various or all aspects of Dissertation writing as you need it. As you would be aware, Dissertation writing is a multi-step process and none of the steps are trivial. With our combination of email based and live session help, we can offer help in all these steps. The specific Dissertation help areas where we are active and have extensive experience are:

1. Dissertation Topic Ideation: We help you by brainstorming on possible Dissertation topics. This is an important step because wrongs here cannot be undone later! We help chose a topic which is worthy to be worked on – this is the essence of any Dissertation writing work.

2. Dissertation Proposal: Here, we detail out the topic, why it is worth studying, the specific research questions we are trying to assess, whether our research is qualitative, quantitative or both and the work plan using a Gantt chart. If it is a team of students doing the Dissertation, the tasks need to be divided based on individual competencies, interest and time constraints.

3. Literature Review: Some work would have certainly been done in the past on the topic and the specific methodology being used by you. You need to have a comprehensive literature survey reporting all advances in the field and the gap which you are trying to fill in.

4. Experiments: Depending on the nature of the topic, several experiments would be performed. These could be simulations, actual physical experiments or user surveys etc. The data will eventually be used for analysis and proving or disproving the hypoDissertation we have put forth.

5. Analysis: Again, depending on the kind of experiments and the hypoDissertation and research questions, different kind of analysis might need to be performed. These could range from statistical analysis, plotting of data to infer results etc.

6. Results and Conclusion: Based on the analysis done results and conclusions are drawn and presented in the form of charts or tables.

7. Putting it all together: Finally, the report should come out as a concise and coherent piece of write-up which reflects the original work that has gone in.

These 7 steps are which we excel in. Unlike other assignments, putting all of this together requires a higher degree of expertise which is not available easily. Our panels of PhDs help us deliver these steps in a plagiarism free, high quality manner.

For more details you can just visit our website at

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