Publish On: April 4, 2015
By HelpWithAssignment

5 big interview questions you need to know

College and university students often fear this or have already experienced this. It is the fear of interview and how to pull in an interview with utmost confidence? Even when you have experienced interview, attending an interview for a family run business or a small organization can be different from attending an interview in a large organization or a multinational corporation.

The 5 Big Interview Questions That You Need To Know

Here are some of the most important questions that you can come across in an interview with a large organization.

1. Tell me about yourself: This is the first and foremost question that you come across in any interview. Most interviewees hate this question because they cannot understand exactly what the interviewer needs to know about you. In fact, this is an opportunity to present yourself in most honest manner with your achievements and proud moments either in your last job or during your education. The interviewer also wants to know whether or not your experience will fit or education background will fit into the position. So, you need to focus on your experience, your specialization in a particular field and also highlight your special training or technical skills that you possess. Also, the question doesn’t mean that you start with your childhood memories, high school or college experiences, your first job experiences, etc. No, the question requires your professional experiences presented in the right manner. An example of this can be, “I have 4 years of experience in selling various electronic appliances for a huge retailing giant. I’ve won awards on several occasions and have stood as the ‘Best Salesman’ for 4 months in a row”.

2. Why are you interested in this role: This is next important question that most interviewers will ask you regardless of whether you’re a fresher or not. The real purpose behind this question is to check whether or not you are really interested in the job or you are attending the interview just to pass time or just for the sake of it. If you are really interested in the job, then you should be able to check the job requirements and apply your experience or education or candidature to the position at hand. Put it this way, you must convince the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the job. Of course, don’t overdo it, as interviewers are not idiots and you are not performing a magic trick like David Blaine.

3. Why are you looking for a new opportunity right now: This is another sure shot question that every interviewer would ask an experienced candidate. The answer to this question lies within your previous job. Your experience at your previous job and the circumstances of you leaving your job are mostly involved. The circumstances can be differences with your previous manager, performance or compliance issues with your previous company, quitting the job on good terms, etc. Each of the explanation can place you differently in your interviewer’s perspective. For example, leaving due to differences with manager can mean that you have an issue with authority. Leaving due to performance or compliance issues also mean that you clearly have an issue with authority and you are not good at your previous job. Leaving on good terms is the best bet for you because, it shows that you have done your job well and are looking for a more challenging role.

4. What are your strengths: This is a tricky question that most interviewers ask. A good answer to this you note down the qualities required for the job at hand and note down your qualities. And present the like qualities to the interviewer.  Most people answer this question at a very personal scale like “my mom is strength” or “my dad is my strength”. Well the interviewer is definitely not looking for such answers and giving such answers will only mark you down.

5. What are your weaknesses: This is another tricky question which every interviewer would love to ask the candidates. This question is perhaps the most unanswered or wrongly answered question. While some candidates try to answer by saying that he or she is a workaholic. But, subsequent questions about how you being a workaholic and that quality is a weakness can leave you stumbled and fumbling.  So, try not to answer the question like this. Here the interviewer is trying to break the ice much further. All the above questions were just tip of the ice. With this question he wants to know the real you. And it wouldn’t be advisable to really discuss your weaknesses. Everybody knows that every person is not perfect and have weaknesses. So, the best way to answer this question is to talk about a professional weakness which is at present unrelated to the present job. For example, if your job doesn’t require you to meet people or speaking to a large group of people, then you could say that, “well, I’ve always had a fear of speaking to large audience. I never got an opportunity to face my fear in my last job. But then, I am attending certain classes where it is taught how to speak to a large group of people”. So, in this way, you can avoid such a tricky question and yet answer the question.

Of course, these questions are not complete questions that every interviewer asks. Mostly, the questions asked in an interview depend upon the way you are answering the questions. Your answers will bring out new questions in an interview. So, be very careful about answering questions, your references and also about your qualifications.

From, we wish all those students who are or would be attending interviews all the very best.